What is NZ Gets Ready?

NZ Gets Ready is a community database. It stores community household contact details and skills, needs and resources. It then provides powerful tools to filter and communicate with the community via email and SMS.

NZ Gets Ready allows households to login and add and edit their own information in a secure and user-friendly way. It also allows multiple levels of users to manage smaller and larger segments of the community.

Why choose NZ Gets Ready?

NZ Gets Ready provides powerful tools that can be used for multiple purposes. If your organisation needs to communicate quickly and effectively with the community or find out crucial information about people in your community (for example, those who need assistance in emergencies or who require power for life-supporting reasons), this is the tool for you.

NZ Gets Ready has a long and successful track record and has been used for 9 years by 17+ groups and communities around New Zealand.

NZ Gets Ready Pricing

* All pricing is per month & excludes GST.



Up to 1,000 Addresses



Up to 4,000 Addresses



Up to 10,000 Addresses



Up to 20,000 Addresses




Newsletter add-on: send visually attractive newsletters and have full control over text and images.

Up to 1,000 Addresses


Up to 4,000 Addresses


Up to 10,000 Addresses


Up to 20,000 Addresses


About our pricing

 Gets Ready comes in two alternative packages, and then with some additional add-ons.

First, the base package. This will carry all the features a NS group should need for its day to day database. Second, the emergency package. This will add in features that are needed to make it a fully featured emergency tool. The idea is that councils or Civil Defense would fund the extra cost of this package, when they want to utilise the tool.

Either package includes importing a group’s existing data into the system at no cost. Further, either package also includes remote training and unlimited admin support.

Package Features



Database of addresses, multiple people per address and emergency contacts

Users can join themselves, update own details

Road Group Contacts can login and add/update addresses and send emails

Area/Subarea Contacts can login and add/update addresses and send emails

Key stats and reports

Exporting of all data to Excel and Word

Remote training sessions and unlimited 9am-5pm admin support

24-7 support in emergencies

Sophisticated mapping

Skills, needs and resources

TXT messaging

Situation Reports

Frequently Asked Questions

How is a NZ Gets Ready portal branded?

New regions starting with NZ Gets Ready will be given a portal that carries their branding and wording. A draft of what this will look like is available upon request.

Can we import our existing database?

Yes! In fact, we will do this for you, for free. You simply send us a spreadsheet of your current information and we do the rest. This includes, when you are ready, the system automatically emailing everyone already in the database. It will tell them what has happened and invite them to create a login to manage their own information.

Can we trial NZ Gets Ready?

Yes! Talk to us today about having your own portal set up for a no obligation trial!

Are there any other costs?

Apart from the monthly licence fee, there are no extra costs for the base package. For the emergency package, there may be a per message SMS cost when these are sent. Otherwise, no other costs.

Does NZ Gets Ready interface with Civil Defence and Police systems?

Not directly, not yet. This is planned for the future. For now, where a NS group agrees to this, it is used to send Civil Defence and police alerts. In some regions, the NS coordinator even sits in the EOC in the event of an emergency and operates NZ Gets Ready.

Is NZ Gets Ready private and secure?

Yes! All information entered into the system is private and stored securely. The only people who can view the information are the designated users in the system. For example, admins can view all information and Group Contacts can view the information of those on their street.

Whether you, as an organisation, share the information with local agencies, like Civil Defence, is over to you. However, you will need to ensure you have the right privacy disclaimers on your Gets Ready portal in this case.

Does NZ Gets Ready do reporting?

Yes! All the reports a NS group should need are already provided.

What equipment/internet do I need to run NZ Gets Ready?

Nothing that you don’t already have! NZ Gets Ready can be accessed from any phone, tablet or computer. It can also be run on any internet connection, and does not require fibre.

Get in touch